Title VI Grass Mowing Application

Dear Absentee Shawnee Tribal Members
For many years The Title VI Department has provided gas to mow your lawns. We are updating the
guidelines. The Title VI Grant provides gas as supportive services and for us to provide supportive
service you must be a participant in the Title VI Program.
1. Absentee Shawnee Member
2. Must be 55 years and older
3. Must be an Title VI Member, have a current intake form on file (FY-2021)
4. Must provide Proof of Residency (utility bill — in the applicants name)
5. Handicap/Disabled
As a Title VI Member as long as you are within the guidelines you can put in your application and turn
in your applications to the Title VI Department' As stated on the application: Maintenance will only
mow and weed eat applicant's lawn. Maintenance will mow every two (2) weeks weather permitting.
Also, the maintenance workers will not trim trees, shrubs, and will NOT move any items that are in
the way of cutting your lawn.
This year we are trying to get an early start on our grass mowing list,
Any questions you can reach me at 405.275.4030 ext. 6227 or email me at dowings@astribe.com
Thomasine Owings
Title VI Director